The Guaranty Trust electronic Notification System (GeNS) is a free email alert system that notifies you about monies either coming in or going out of your account(s) with us.
The GeNS Service will notify you by email of deposits, withdrawals and transfers in and out of your account(s) in line with the options you specify when you apply.
Features & Benefits
Prompt knowledge of transactions on your accounts.
Convenient and easy monitoring of accounts.
Better management of finances.
Effective fraud alert in cases of unauthorized transactions on accounts.
Reduce time spent confirming clients’ payments into your accounts.
Enhances transparency between the bank and its clients.
No need to logon to the website or wait for account statements to know about new deposits.
Who can apply for GeNS?
Individual account holders
Joint account holders
Business account holders including financial institutions
How to Apply
To apply for this service, simply download the appropriate GeNS application form below, complete and submit to our office at 10 Great Castle Street London, W1W 8LP.