All GTBank UK account holders with valid email addresses registered with the bank are eligible for the service.
To sign up for this service, provide us with a valid email address and we will do the rest for you. There are a number of ways to provide us with a valid email address:
You will receive 2 emails on your registered email address with the Bank if you are new to e-Statements. One of the emails is a password notification and the other email contains a link to your electronic statement.
For the first time, you will be required to setup a profile on our secure email platform, Mimecast CCM, by supplying your email address and providing a password that you will always remember. Once you have set up a profile on MimeCast, all you need do is to click on the link on the second email and you will see your statement. Subsequent e-statements will not require the set up process again.
Please click here for a guide on how to use the e-statement service.
You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC to be able to view and print your e-Statements. Visit to download Adobe Acrobat Reader.