At Guaranty Trust Bank (UK) Limited, we recognise the importance to our business in treating customers fairly (TCF). We are therefore committed to ensuring that from the initial contact, through to the after sales process and beyond, we consistently place our customers’ needs first.
Our TCF commitment and how we intend to keep them are detailed below:
Our TCF Commitments | How will we do it |
To provide you in clear and simple language, concise information on our products and services | At the commencement of our business relationship, we will provide you with the information leaflets on the following matters. Key features of our products and services. Our terms and conditions. How you can complain |
To make every effort to ensure that you understand our products and services and our responsibilities to you | Our communication materials will be drafted in plain and simple English to avoid unnecessary jargon and complicated language. |
To ensure that our products and services meet your needs by taking into consideration, where relevant, your lifestyle, finances and personal objectives. | Our products, where this is relevant, will only be developed and marketed after considering the target customers’ lifestyle, finances, and personal objectives. |
To handle your complaints promptly and fairly | We will strive to meet and exceed your expectations at all times. However, where we fail to do this, we will handle your complaints promptly and fairly. We will provide you with clear information on how to make a complaint and how we will handle it. |
To be understanding when you want to leave us. | We would like to have a very long term relationship with you. However, should you want to close or move your account or product to another bank or provider, we will ensure that this is done as quickly as possible with minimum inconvenience to you. |
To keep reinforcing TCF in our business. | We will regularly assess our procedures, policies and documentation to ensure that we are treating customers fairly and also provide training to our staff on our products and services so that they can serve you better |
To provide products and services that perform and are delivered in accordance with product and service description. | We will, as part of our product development policy, at regular intervals, assess the performance of our products and delivery of services. This will include a critical review of complaints and errors. |